Friday, November 13, 2009

If you can't afford condoms, you can't afford to have sex.

Seriously people!!! EVERYBODY out there has an STI. This has probably been the most eye opening experience of my clinical practicum. I knew STI's were a public health problem but I had no idea it was a freakin epidemic! I have seen patients from age 15-50 with trichomoniasis and even sent a gal to the hospital for some IV antibiotics for severe PID. All of those with trich (except the 15 y/o) were in supposed "monogamous" relationships as was the gal with PID. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia are rampant as well, have treated a 14 y/o for those and she thought it was funny that she had to come in and get a shot for something she caught from having sex........her mom was there laughing right along with her, just disgusting! And don't even get me started on HSV..........
Condoms are not 100% but they sure are better than nothing! And if you can't afford condoms (as a distraught young woman with HSV told me) you most certainly can't afford to be having sex. So don't be an idiot, use condoms and get yourself tested!


Ciarin said...

Welcome to midwifery!

Knitted in the Womb said...

Oh good lord...I will NOT be laughing if I find out that my 14 year old is having sex...with or without disease!